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Board member:  Watey Diep -


One of L.S.A. Custodia’s goals is to provide its members with a more rewarding university experience. The Formal Committee helps the association achieve this goal by organizing relevant events aimed at providing context and depth to the subjects covered by the bachelor and master’s programs. In addition to this, educational events intended to help association members do well on exams are also part of the committee’s work. 



Committee members

Chair        - Mats Bouter

Vice-Chair - Sascha Zell

Secretary - LilyAnne Ruijgrok

Treasurer - Sjoerd Pijpers

Assessor - Aron Vianen

Assessor - Molly Link

Assessor - Pippilotta Lipp



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Message from the committee:

"By planning events that are relevant in today’s safety and security environment and inspire our members, the Formal Committee aims to enrich the traditional university experience by giving a taste of what life after university might look like. We aim to organize unique experiences such as visits to international organizations, governmental sites, and embassies in and around The Hague once a month, as well as occasional longer trips to destinations such as NATO headquarters and the Borssele Nuclear Power Plant. Would you like to expand your view on government, diplomacy, safety, and security by talking to the people who work in the field each and every day? Then be sure to sign up for one of our many events!"


Visit to UN office in Vienna


Visit to the Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid

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Visit to NATO headquarters in Brussels

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Visit to the nuclear power plant in Borssele

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Visit to the Tweede Kamer

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Visit to the bunker below Wijnhaven

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